Welcome to Santa Cruz County’s Bicycle Courier Blog

I thought it would be great to have a place where Bike Couriers and Bike Riders could meet and talk, share stories, trade advice, and build an online community. I look forward to reading and writing our Courier stories, news, and comments.

Rick Graves

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Dexter One Love/Leg NYC

This guy is my hero-he used to blow past me going up sixth avenue all the time-when I feel sorry for myself I try to think of people like him who keep going no matter what.

Nuttin’ but Love and Good Vibrations Dexter!



Mike S said...

Wow, this rider is really an inspiration.

Anonymous said...

Another inspiring story...

One arm and one leg - A story of a true hero

Anonymous said...

Hi Rick! From your dad, I finally accessed your blog. I'm sure glad you are not still riding in NYC!
Much love.